Monday, October 29, 2007


To begin with I am not a yuppie, preppies or any of that other B.S. I am a retired Air Force Veteran who has served his time hell, mentally and physically. I have disabilities relating to my service and because I am a retiree I can not even collect my full amount separate from my retirement check (long sad story involving retirees and the Government). I collect social security (retired at age 62) I come from a reasonably solid middle-class back ground. I serve as an elder in My home church (Presbyterian) and consider my self a reasonably good Christian.

My great-great grand-parents came from Norway, Holland and Italy. NO BODY ever handed them a damn thing on a silver platter. So I do not see why this America of ours is being handed over to illegals on a silver platters courtesy of a bunch of left wing liberals and Damn Democrats,

Illegal is just that, ILLEGAL Illegality on /in any area should be punished, not rewarded.

I am all in favor of the old adage that good fences make good neighbors. Shut down the Borders
tighter than tight. Deal with the Illegals who are here (send them home) and implore a Republican Congress to enact some decent legislation.

Immigration and Municipal ID Cards in San Francisco

Over the past few months I have had the privilege of sitting with some dedicated and thoughtful activists, community organizers and people of faith around the issues of immigration in San Francisco and national-wide.

A pretty grassroots kind of group called together by the FAITHS Program of the SF Foundation, the focus of our conversations have been mainly about the New Sanctuary Movement. Today we talked a little bit about the Municipal ID Card proposal that the SF Board of Supervisors is considering.

Obviously immigration issues are complex regardless of one's political leanings - or at least they should be acknowledged as so - but when we begin to really allow our faith to influence our actions, clarity becomes real. In the case of the current climate of immigration, I am firmly planted on the side of justice and compassion when it comes to the ways we deal with the "aliens in our midst." For me there are just too many biblical mandates that compel me to be on the side of the newcomer, the outcast, the poor . . .

So what do I do? I go to meetings to show solidarity with those who are on the front lines. I try to integrate some messages of justice in ways that are effective at MBCC and try to consistently live my beliefs. But is that enough? Am I just finding ways to stay within my own comfort zones, while claiming solidarity? Compared to some I am stepping way out and to others, I am just another hipster poser progressive. They are both right in many ways and so wrong in others. Thus the dilemma of the middle-class progressive Christian here in San Francisco. *sigh*

I'll keep trying, act when called, show my solidarity, yada yada yada . . . and in the mean time, here is some info on a Hearing that is taking place regarding the San Francisco Municipal ID Card. For more info, please visit Comite de vivienda San Pedro - St. Peter's Housing Committee. And if you wish to be part of this SF gathering of folks, let me know and I'll get you in touch with the organizers.

ID // We all have a right to an identity!

The Municipal ID will:

  • Give a photo government issued ID for all San Franciscans, regardless of immigration status.
  • Improve access to available services.

Identification for all in a sanctuary city!
The City of San Francisco claims to be a sanctuary city. We need to make our voices heard to make that a reality. This ID is a way for our city to recognize its residents regardless of race, gender, sexuality or immigration status. We live and work in this city and we deserve an identity.

Demand an ID! Come to a Hearing!
Weds. October 24th 2007
1 pm @ SF City Hall

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I hope that NY State's win in getting drivers' licenses can be replicated in other cities and states, so that immigrants are able to have some form of identification and be recognized.

You know we often talk about white guilt, but we don't talk about class guilt. And we should be talking about the intersection of all these things more.

I for one am happy to see the yuppies and preppies with their dogs and high-class children's strollers at immigration rallies and marches - it means that our movement is gaining steam and traction across the class lines.

Truly, we ARE America.

P&P - Yes, class guilt is HUGE, but does not often translate into the same kind of actions that White guilt does. I think class guilt more often translates into apathy. Still I think that this is a vastly untapped resource for so many movements. Thanks for stopping by.

Bruce - i think you just need to do what you think is right and just, especially for undocumented people and low income and poor immigrant communities.
you shouldn't feel a need to apologize for it or to feel any kind of guilt either.
Supervisor Ammiano's and the immigrant community's ID card campaign seems to me to be a basic issue of dignity for a significant population of our people in SF and other areas throughout the US.

Eric - Thanks. I give thanks that in SF, we are at least looking at these issues. We may be in a kind of bubble, but it is our bubble ;-)

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