Saturday, July 12, 2008

At long last, has the Associated Press lost all sense of decency?

Classless AP Takes Cheap Shots at Just-Passed Snow
Photo of Tom Blumer.
By Tom Blumer (Bio | Archive)
July 12, 2008 - 09:03 ET

The AP's story (saved here for future reference in case the wire service is embarrassed into revising it; you might consider saving it too as Exhibit A on how far over the cliff the dinosaur media has driven itself) by Douglass K. Daniel, with Jennifer Loven contributing (I might have known), gets in at least three cheap, fundamentally untrue, and totally uncalled-for shots at Tony Snow, who died earlier this morning.

I won't sully NB's front page with any of them. They follow the jump:

With a quick-from-the-lip repartee, broadcaster's good looks and a relentlessly bright outlook — if not always a command of the facts — he became a popular figure around the country to the delight of his White House bosses.

..... During daily briefings, he challenged reporters, scolded them and questioned their motives as if he were starring in a TV show broadcast live from the West Wing.

Critics suggested that Snow was turning the traditionally informational daily briefing into a personality-driven media event short on facts and long on confrontation. He was the first press secretary, by his own accounting, to travel the country raising money for Republican candidates.

Godspeed Tony. I'm sure God will take an objective view of your life, and you'll waltz right in to be with Him for eternity.

Otherwise, words fail. How dare they

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