Tuesday, February 12, 2008

OBAMA WHO???????

Hillary is a brainless bitch who, as far as I know, has never had an original idea in her whole life and the thought of her in any national office scares the crap out of me.....but this Peter Panish wonder kid from Illinois scares me even more. He has shown no respect for the American flag (watch reruns of the debates--he stands with his hands at his sides). It has been said that IF he is elected Prez he might appoint John Edwards to be Attorney General. Edwards is the man who was asked if he thought handgun ownership was a right or a privilege. His response,'it is a privilege not a right' This from a man who took an oath to uphold the constitution and the rights there-in. He must have read a version of that precious document that was thought up in some liberal minded back room some where on the road to hell.

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Barack Guevara

By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Tuesday, February 12, 2008 4:20 PM PT

Election 2008: How is it a front-runner for the highest office in the land can reject an American flag on his lapel but permit the display of a huge Cuban flag at one of his offices, emblazoned with a mass murderer's mug?

Related Topics: Election 2008 | Latin America & Caribbean

Improbable as it sounds, it's true. Barack Obama, displaying the same "anything goes" standard of patriotism he showed when he ostentatiously refused to wear a U.S. flag in his lapel, now shows he's got a whole different idea about patriotism.

One of Obama's volunteer offices in Houston was caught operating under a huge flag of communist Cuba with Che Guevara's face printed on it, according to images shown on Fox News. Flak from bloggers ensued — followed, of course, by spin control.

But rather than repudiate the image, Obama would only call it "inappropriate," apparently without insisting it be taken down. That contrasts with his dismissal of his Senate colleagues who wear lapel flags as "hypocrites." Some hypocrites.

The display of the Castroite flag with Che's picture on it sends a particularly disturbing message about his campaign. Apparently, Obama tends to attract the kind of people who think of mass murderers like Che and Fidel as romantic revolutionaries. Those same people see Obama as a man with a messianic message. These are the voters he'll be indebted to should he win higher office.

Worse yet, it signals that a U.S. commander in chief tolerates supporters with loyalties to nations other than the U.S., including those loyal to enemy states that spy on and seek to harm the U.S.

It coincides uncomfortably with Obama's call for no-strings-attached diplomatic relations with communist Cuba. He's even offered to meet with the dictators of Cuba, sanctimoniously implying that other administrations had no good reason for not doing so.

Obama's naive idealism is based on a false understanding of history. Cuba is a nation that aimed Soviet missiles at us in 1962 and is likely to do the same if and when Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez gets advanced weapons from Russia or Iran. That's not all:

• Also in 1962, Cuba attempted to launch the first 9/11-style attack on New York's subways and department stores — with the mastermind behind that none other than Che Guevara himself.

• In 1982 it tried to get the USSR to launch nukes at the U.S.

• In 1996, Cuba shot down two U.S. planes, killing six Americans whose only "crime" was trying to rescue Cuban refugees at sea. Had a political candidate in Latin America pasted up a picture of Che at election time, there'd be no doubt where he stood — ones who did just that are now running countries with names like Bolivia and Venezuela. Is that what Obama really stands for?

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